CannaChefPro | Cannabis Cooking Classes

95% of chefs are willing to get training on their own to adapt to market trends
61% are learning, by themselves, on-line
100% can generate additional income on an individual basis through canoliogourmet

Cooking cannabis isn't ordinary!

Chef Antonin Mousseau-Rivard teaches the specifics of cannabis infused cuisine, how to cook in a gourmet, safe and responsible manner. With these 6 training capsules develop your skills according to your availability, without having to travel. Become a CannaChefPro.

Pour seulement 250$, tu auras accès
aux 6 capsules de formation.

Capsules Video

Capsule #1

Capsule #1

Introduction aux aliments infusés au cannabis

Capsule #2

Capsule #2

Connaître le cannabis, son histoire, ses effets

Capsule #3

Capsule #3

La création de menus

Capsule #4

Capsule #4

La prestation de service

Capsule #5

Capsule #5

La loi sur le cannabis alimentaire

Capsule #6

Capsule #6

Particularité d’un prestation de service de chef à domicile spécialisé (cannabis)


Being a member of Canolio Gourmet, you’ll have access to thousands of potential clients interested in your services. It makes the process of purchasing your services much more convenient for both you and the client.

Being a member of Canolio Gourmet, you manage your menus, your pricing, your calendar.

Canolio Gourmet focuses on reinforcing core experiences such as providing chef specialized in cannabis food preparation. The creation of edible cannabis products poses some challenges, including the dosage, onset and duration of the effects of cannabis.



Canolio Gourmet is a pier-to-pier marketplace for chefs cooking cannabis to showcase and host dinners, pop-ups, and culinary experiences. It is a web platform that connects hungry cannabis eaters with passionate cooks: CannaChefPros, offering authentic cannabis meals prepared safely and served in your home.

The creation of cannabis-based dishes poses several challenges, including the dosage, onset and duration of the effects of cannabis. All CannaChefPros know and master this science.